14 And zthe Word abecame flesh and bdwelt among us, cand we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of dgrace and etruth. 15 (fJohn bore witness about him, and cried out, “This was he of whom I said, g‘He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me.’ ”) 16 For from hhis fullness we have all received, igrace upon grace.4 17 For jthe law was given through Moses; kgrace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 lNo one has ever seen God; mthe only God,5 who is at the Father’s side,6 nhe has made him known.
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton: Standard Bible Society, 2001), 요 1:14–18.
14절) 말씀이 육신이 되신 주님(빌 2:6-7) / 성육신의 사건은 인류의 역사상 가장 놀라운 사건이다. 영원하신, 전능하신, 무소부재하신, 무한하시고 거룩하신 하나님의 아들이 인간의 몸을 빌어 인간이 되셔서 우리가운데 거하신 것이다. 그분은 온전한 하나님이자 인간으로 우리가운데 거하신 것이다.
This is the most amazing event in all of history: the eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent, infinitely holy Son of God took on a human nature and lived among humanity as one who was both God and man at the same time, in one person.
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008), 2020.
- 말씀이 육신이 되신 이 사건은 초대 교회의 가현설이나 영지주의자의 관점과는 전혀 달랐다. / 성육신의 교리는 이단을 판별하는 아주 중요한 교리이다.
In the polemical context of 1 John 4:1–3 the incarnation is defined as the test for determining whether the presence of the Spirit of God or the spirit of antichrist is in the community.
Gerald L. Borchert, John 1–11, vol. 25A, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996), 119.
우리 가운데 거하시는 주님, 이것은 하나님께서 이스라엘 백성의 진중에 함께 거하신 것을 의미한다. 본문의 원래 의미는 텐트를 치다라는 의미이다.(출 25:8-9, 33:7) 과거 이스라엘 백성들 가운데 성막과 성전에 거하시며 함께 하시던 하나님께서 이제 성육신 하셔서 당신의 백성가운데 그들의 육체를 가지고 함께 거하시는 것이다.(고전 3:16, 고전 6:19) / 그래서 요한복음 7-8장에 장막절에 대한 내용을 중요하게 다룬다. 유대인들의 역사속에서 성막은 대단히 중요한 개념이다. / 함께 함에 대한 약속(요 14:16-17, 마 28:20)
Dwelt among us means more literally “pitched his tent” (Gk. skēnoō), an allusion to God’s dwelling among the Israelites in the tabernacle (cf. Ex. 25:8–9; 33:7). In the past, God had manifested his presence to his people in the tabernacle and the temple. Now God takes up residence among his people in the incarnate Word, Jesus Christ (cf. John 1:17). Thus, the coming of Christ fulfills the OT symbolism for God’s dwelling with man in the tabernacle and the temple. Later, through the Holy Spirit, Christ will make into a temple both the church (1 Cor. 3:16) and a Christian’s body (1 Cor. 6:19).
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008), 2020.
독생자의 의미는 영어로는 only를 사용하는데 'one of a kind, unique’의 의미이다.
독생자의 영광 : 이 영광은 회막 가운데 가득 임재하셨던 하나님의 영광(출 40:34)이다. 이는 빛으로 표현되고 동시에 그분의 부활과 연관된다.(요 17:1) 왜냐하면 모든 복음서는 주님의 부활 이후 시점에 기록되었기 때문에 부활에 대한 명확한 경험과 시각을 포함하고 있다. 십자가와 부활이 그분의 영광을 나타낸다. 이러한 주님의 성육신과 십자가와 부활의 사건은 우리의 기독교를 다른 여타의 혼합주의 종교와 구별되게 만든다. 우리가 온전히 그분의 영광을 깨닫게 된다면 절대로 혼합주의 종교의 모습을 띨 수 없다는 것이다.
This text makes it absolutely clear that the mission of the Logos was unique in the history of the world. This uniqueness of the Son makes it impossible for Christianity to be a syncretistic religion. In our mission to the world we cannot say “Jesus and Caesar” or “Jesus and Buddha,” and so forth. Our confession is Jesus, the one and only! The early Christians suffered and died because they refused to recognize any other pattern than that which was revealed in Jesus Christ.
Gerald L. Borchert, John 1–11, vol. 25A, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996), 121.
15절) 5:31-47절을 참조
세례 요한의 가르침, 내뒤에 오시는 이가 나보다 앞섰다는 의미, 세례 요한은 예수님보다 6개월 앞서 출생한다. 그리고 그의 사역은 그분의 길을 평탄케 준비하는 것이었다. 그럼에도 예수님은 창세전부터 계신 분으로서 당연히 세례 요한보다 앞선 분이신 것이다.
16-17절) 은혜와 진리, 구약에서는
“steadfast love [Hb. hesed] and faithfulness [Hb. ’emet]” in Ex. 34:6 (cf. Ex. 33:18–19), where the expression refers to God’s covenant faithfulness to his people Israel.
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008), 2020.
헤세드와 에멧, 카리스와 알레데이아 / 대단히 중요한 개념이다.
Whatever may be its origin and whether it refers to the Logos, the only Son or to glory, the meaning seems to be that God’s messenger has the full incorporation of two characteristics that are usually ascribed to God. The first term “grace” (charis), which occurs only here in the Gospel but which is a frequent term in the Pauline corpus, is closely related to the Hebrew (c) ḥesed and can be rendered by such tender expressions as “loving-kindness” or “gracious mercy.” The second term “truth” (alētheia) is one of the major Johannine themes and is rooted in the Hebrew ʾĕmet, which carries the ideas of “faithfulness,” “steadfastness,” and “consistency.”
Gerald L. Borchert, John 1–11, vol. 25A, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996), 121.
17절) 율법은 모세로부터, 은혜와 진리는 예수 그리스도로부터 / 우리는 이 부분을 읽으면서 율법과 은혜를 과도하게 분리하려는 이분법적인 유혹에 빠지기가 쉽다. / 문제는 유대인, 그리스도인들이 하나님의 율법을 순종하지 않는 것에 있다. 모세 율법또한 하나님께서 은혜로 주신 선물이다.
In the Gospel of John, Moses is regarded as a positive servant of God (e.g., 5:45–47; 6:32; 7:19–23).86 The problem for Jesus in this Gospel was not with Moses and the law; the problem was with the disobedient Jews who misused Moses and the law (e.g., 6:31–32; 9:28–29). Moses and the law were together viewed as a gracious gift from God.
86 For discussion on Moses see A. Hanson, “John i:14–18 and Exodus xxxiv,” NTS 23 (1976): 90–101; T. F. Glasson, Moses in the Fourth Gospel (Naperville, Ill.: A. Allenson, 1963), especially at 24–30 and 70–86, and W. Meeks, The Prophet-King: Mosaic Traditions and Johannine Christology (Leiden: Brill, 1967), a reprint of his earlier dissertation “Jesus as King and Prophet in the Fourth Gospel” (Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 1965).
86 For discussion on Moses see A. Hanson, “John i:14–18 and Exodus xxxiv,” NTS 23 (1976): 90–101; T. F. Glasson, Moses in the Fourth Gospel (Naperville, Ill.: A. Allenson, 1963), especially at 24–30 and 70–86, and W. Meeks, The Prophet-King: Mosaic Traditions and Johannine Christology (Leiden: Brill, 1967), a reprint of his earlier dissertation “Jesus as King and Prophet in the Fourth Gospel” (Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 1965).
Gerald L. Borchert, John 1–11, vol. 25A, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996), 123.
18절) 독생하신 하나님, 하나님을 볼 자가 없으므로 독생하신 하나님이 이땅 가운데 나타나심으로 하나님의 자녀가 되는 권세를 주신 것이다. 이러한 믿음을 통해서 결국 신자들이 변혁적인 삶을 경험하도록 하는 것이다.
The mention of the Father and the stress on the uniqueness of Jesus reminds the reader of the opening verse of the Prologue. This discussion has thus come full circle, and in doing so it presents a tightly constructed, complex introductory theological rationale for reading this Gospel. But reading is not to be merely an intellectual exercise. Instead, Jesus’ purpose in coming to the world was to empower people to become children of God (1:12). Likewise the purpose of the incarnate Logos and the purpose of the entire Gospel are one in focus because the Gospel was written to engender believing in this Jesus to the end that readers might experience the transformation of life (20:30–31).
Gerald L. Borchert, John 1–11, vol. 25A, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996), 125.
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