Hannah’s Prayer
2 And Hannah prayed and said,
f“My heart exults in the Lord;
gmy horn is exalted in the Lord.
My mouth derides my enemies,
because hI rejoice in your salvation.
2 i“There is none holy like the Lord:
for there is none besides you;
there is jno rock like our God.
3 Talk no more so very proudly,
let not arrogance come from your mouth;
for the Lord is a God of knowledge,
and by him actions are weighed.
4 kThe bows of the mighty are broken,
but the feeble bind on strength.
5 Those who were full have hired themselves out for bread,
but those who were hungry have ceased to hunger.
lThe barren has borne seven,
mbut she who has many children is forlorn.
6 nThe Lord kills and brings to life;
he brings down to Sheol and raises up.
7 oThe Lord makes poor and makes rich;
phe brings low and he exalts.
8 qHe raises up the poor from the dust;
he lifts the needy from the ash heap
rto make them sit with princes
and inherit a seat of honor.
sFor the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s,
and on them he has set the world.
9 t“He will guard the feet of his faithful ones,
but the wicked shall be cut off in darkness,
for not by might shall a man prevail.
10 uThe adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces;
vagainst them he will thunder in heaven.
wThe Lord will judge the ends of the earth;
he will give strength to his king
xand exalt the horn of his anointed.”
11 Then Elkanah went home yto Ramah. zAnd the boy1 was ministering to the Lord in the presence of Eli the priest.
2 And Hannah prayed and said,
f“My heart exults in the Lord;
gmy horn is exalted in the Lord.
My mouth derides my enemies,
because hI rejoice in your salvation.
2 i“There is none holy like the Lord:
for there is none besides you;
there is jno rock like our God.
3 Talk no more so very proudly,
let not arrogance come from your mouth;
for the Lord is a God of knowledge,
and by him actions are weighed.
4 kThe bows of the mighty are broken,
but the feeble bind on strength.
5 Those who were full have hired themselves out for bread,
but those who were hungry have ceased to hunger.
lThe barren has borne seven,
mbut she who has many children is forlorn.
6 nThe Lord kills and brings to life;
he brings down to Sheol and raises up.
7 oThe Lord makes poor and makes rich;
phe brings low and he exalts.
8 qHe raises up the poor from the dust;
he lifts the needy from the ash heap
rto make them sit with princes
and inherit a seat of honor.
sFor the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s,
and on them he has set the world.
9 t“He will guard the feet of his faithful ones,
but the wicked shall be cut off in darkness,
for not by might shall a man prevail.
10 uThe adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces;
vagainst them he will thunder in heaven.
wThe Lord will judge the ends of the earth;
he will give strength to his king
xand exalt the horn of his anointed.”
11 Then Elkanah went home yto Ramah. zAnd the boy1 was ministering to the Lord in the presence of Eli the priest.
1-2절) 한나의 기쁨은 자신의 수치(아들을 낳지 못함)가 제거되었기 때문이 아니라 하나님으로 말미암은 것이다. 우리가 일희일비하는 것은 기쁨의 근원이신 그분에게 초점을 맞추지 못하고 상황자체에 초점을 맞추기 때문이다.
- 1절의 원수들을 향해 입을 크게 열다라는 의미는 그들을 조롱하다, 비웃다라는 의미이다.
3-5절) 그분이 달아보시는 행동은 바로 우리의 부끄러운, 방종한 행동을 말한다.
- Over them stands the Lord, who is aware of their thoughts and constantly evaluating their “deeds” (Hb. ʿălilâ, “wanton conduct”)
Robert D. Bergen, 1, 2 Samuel, vol. 7, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996), 76.
- 임신하지 못하던 자에게 자녀 일곱을 주실 수 있는 하나님, 한나 자신은 6자녀(21절)을 두었다. 7은 완전수를 의미
6-10절) 본문은 하나님을 찬양하는 기도로 매우 중요한 의미를 지닌다.
- Linguistic marking is seen in the employment of a divine figure, in this case Yahweh, as the subject of eighteen different verbs in a section containing only fifty-eight words. Though comparative statistics presently are unavailable, it is accurate to say that these verses contain one of the Hebrew Bible’s highest concentrations of verbs with Yahweh as the subject. Linguistic peak-marking is seen also in the employment of five mentions of Yahweh’s name, as well as the mention of the highest-ranking social position in Israelite society, that of “king”/“messiah.” The mention of nouns (to say nothing of verbs) of extreme semantic amplitude—sheol/heaven, ash heap/throne, saints/wicked ones, the poor/princes—also adds to the highlighting present within this section.
Robert D. Bergen, 1, 2 Samuel, vol. 7, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996).
- 언어학적으로 매우 중요한 의미, 이 짧은 구절안에(58단어안에 18개의 서로 다른 동사가 사용되고 5가지의 여호와의 이름이 언급된다.)
The Lord’s actions can be extremely positive: he “makes alive” (v. 6), “raises … from the dust” (v. 8), lifts … from the ash heap” (v. 8), “exalts” (v. 7), causes people to “inherit a throne” (v. 8), “seats” people “with princes” (v. 8), “sends … wealth” (v. 7), “will guard” (v. 9), “will give strength” (v. 10), and “raises up” from “the grave” (v. 6). In contrast, the Lord also “sends poverty” (v. 7), “humbles” (v. 7), “will thunder” (v. 10), “will judge” (v. 10), “brings death” (v. 6), and “brings down to the grave” (v. 6).
Yet the Lord does not perform these actions indiscriminately. As judge of “the ends of the earth” (v. 10), he brings the worst against “those who oppose” him (v. 10), while bestowing protection, strength, and exaltation to “his saints” (v. 9; Hb. ḥăsîdîm, “pious/godly”) and “his king”/“his anointed” (v. 10).
Robert D. Bergen, 1, 2 Samuel, vol. 7, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996), 76.
- 하나님이 어떤 분인줄을 알고 그분을 찬양하는 한나, 나는 하나님이 어떤 분인줄 알고 있는가? 그분을 왕으로, 기름부음 받은 자로 인식하는 한나, 이는 메시야에 대한 바른인식으로 기인한다.
10절) 기름부음 받은 자라는 의미는 바로 anointed로 메시야를 의미한다. 구약에 기름부음을 받은 사람은 제사장, 선지자, 왕이다. 오늘의 본문이 구약에서 왕으로서 기름부음을 받은 자를 의미하는 첫 본문이다.
한나의 기도는 하나님의 일하심에 대한 한나의 간증일 분만 아니라 사무엘, 다윗, 이스라엘을 통해서 일하시는 주님의 역사하심의 전조를 보여준다. 뿐만 아니라 엘리 제사장 가문에 대한 하나님의 심판을 예견하게 한다.
한나와 엘가나에게서 사무엘이 태어났다. 이 부부의 신앙.
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