8 wOwe no one anything, except to love each other, for xthe one who loves another has fulfilled the law. 9 For the commandments, y“You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: z“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 10 Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore alove is the fulfilling of the law.
w[Lev. 19:13; Prov. 3:27, 28]
xver. 10; [Matt. 22:40; Col. 3:14]; See John 13:34
yMatt. 19:18; Cited from Ex. 20:13–17; Deut. 5:17–21
zCited from Lev. 19:18
a[John 14:15]; See ver. 8
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version(Wheaton: Standard Bible Society, 2016), 롬 13:8–10.
8절) 사랑의 빚 외에는 아무에게든지 아무 빚도 지지 말라. 다른 사람을 사랑하는 자는 율법을 다 이루었다.
본문은 앞서 7절과 연결된다. 7절에서 내야 할 세금을 모두 낼 것을 명령한다.
사람이 끊임없이 지불해야하는 부채는 바로 서로 사랑해야 한다는 부름이다. 참으로 사랑은 모세 율법이 요구하는 것을 완성한다.
- Paul cites several OT commandmentsregarding responsibility to others, all of which are summed up in the call from Lev. 19:18 to love your neighbor as yourself.
- Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible(Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008), 2180.
십계명의 두 돌판이 첫번째는 하나님과의 관계를 두번째는 사람들과의 관계를 나타낸다고 할 때 바로 두번째 돌판은 “네 이웃을 네 몸과 같이 사랑하라”는 계명으로 수렴된다. 9절의 계명들은 7번째(간음), 6번째(살인), 8번째(도둑질), 10번째(탐심) 순서로 이루어진다.
- Verse 9 explains the previous statement. The Commandments (cf. Exod 20:13–15, 17; note the order—seventh, sixth, eighth, tenth) against adultery,79murder, theft, covetousness—and “whatever other commandments there may be”—are all summed up in the second great commandment (Matt 22:38), “Love your neighbor as yourself” (cf. Gal 5:14; Lev 19:18).80As Jesus taught us in the parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37), our “neighbor” is anyone we encounter in life who needs our help. Love is the inevitable response of a heart truly touched by God. God’s love manifests itself through the loving acts of his children. Where it is absent, any claim to a family relationship is merely pretense. In our present culture, enamored as it is with the cult of self-esteem, it is necessary to point out that Jesus’ words are “not a command to love oneself but a recognition of the fact that we naturally do so.”81Stott observes that Jesus spoke of a first and second commandment but never of a third. He also argues that agapēis selfless love, which cannot be turned in on itself, and that self-love is the essence of sin.82What is commanded is that we are to have the same loving regard for others that we have instinctively for ourselves. Love never wrongs another person. It fully satisfies all that the law requires (cf. Matt 22:40).83
- 79Commenting on adultery as a failure to discharge the debt of love, Barclay writes, “When two people allow their physical passions to sweep them away, the reason is, not that they love each other too much, but that they love each other too little; in real love there is at once respect and restraint which saves from sin” (Romans, 176).
- 80Rabbi Akiba called Lev 19:18 “the greatest general principle in the Torah” (Sipraon Lev 19:18).
- 81NIVSB note on Rom 13:9.
- 82Stott, Romans, 350.
- 83πλήρωμα, “that which fills,” serves as the equivalent of πλήρωσις, “fulfilling.” It is love in action that fulfills the law.
- Robert H. Mounce, Romans, vol. 27, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1995), 246.
인간의 매우 중요한 본성은 바로 자기 중심성이다. 이 본성이 모든 죄의 핵심이다. 그런데 하나님께서 우리에게 보여주신 사랑은 바로 아가페적인 사랑으로 이타적인, 사심없는, 희생적인 사랑이다. 율법의 완성은 이처럼 우리의 본성, 자기 중심성을 넘어서는 것으로 드러나야 한다. 세상의 가치와 흐름은 끊임없이 자기를 사랑하라고 말한다. 수없이 쏟아지는 광고나 드라마, 영화는 자신의 욕구를 거부하지 말고 마음껏 누릴 것을 말한다. 하지만 십계명에서 우리에게 요구하는 율법의 근본 정신은 바로 이 자기 중심성의 극복이다. 그러기 위해서 타인에게 악을 행하지 않고, 적극적으로 그를 자기 자신을 사랑하는 것처럼 사랑하는 자리로 나아가야 하는 것이다. 오늘의 본문은 이것이 율법의 완성이라고 말하고 있다.
10절) 사랑은 이웃에게 악을, 잘못된 행동을 하지 않는 것이다. 그러므로 사랑은 율법의 완성이다.
이웃을 네 자신과 같이 사랑한다는 것의 소극적인 적용이 바로 이웃에게 악을 행하지 않는 것이다.
- Finally, Paul explains more explicitly how love fulfills the law. What Paul has stated positively in 12:9–21 (love is doing good for others) is now stated negatively for effect: Love does no harm to its neighbor.We seek only the good for others and refuse to have any part in manipulating or hurting them. With believers we are “devoted to one another” (12:10) and with unbelievers we “bless and do not curse” (12:14). With respect to every neighbor we show constant love and avoid harm. In so doing we fulfill the law, which once again means bring it to completion, sum up its purpose.
- Grant R. Osborne, Romans, The IVP New Testament Commentary Series (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2004), 350–351.
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