Jesus Weeps
28 When she had said this, she went and called her sister Mary, saying in private, r“The Teacher is here and is calling for you.” 29 And when she heard it, she rose quickly and went to him. 30 Now Jesus had not yet come into the village, but was still in the place where Martha had met him. 31 When the Jews swho were with her in the house, consoling her, saw Mary rise quickly and go out, they followed her, supposing that she was going to the tomb to weep there. 32 Now when Mary came to where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet, saying to him, t“Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” 33 When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her also weeping, he uwas deeply moved5 in his spirit and vgreatly troubled. 34 And he said, “Where have you laid him?” They said to him, “Lord, come and see.” 35 wJesus wept. 36 So the Jews said, “See xhow he loved him!” 37 But some of them said, “Could not he ywho opened the eyes of the blind man zalso have kept this man from dying?”

 The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton: Standard Bible Society, 2001), 요 11:28–37.

28-31절) 마르다가 동생 마리아에게 주님께서 부르신다고 이야기하자 마리아가 이말을 듣고 급히 일어나 주님이 계시던 곳, 처음 마르다가 맞던 곳으로 나아갔다. 이런 모습을 보고 조문하던 유대인들은 마리아가 곡하러 무덤에 가는줄로 생각했다. 여기서도 마리아와 마르다의 성격 차이, 행동 양식의 차이를 보게 된다. 마르다는 적극적으로 행동하는(눅 10:40) 유형으로 먼저 만나고 마리아에게 주님과의 만남을 주관해준다. 29절의 ‘급히’라는 단어를 통해서 그녀의 슬픔이 어떠한지, 그리고 주님을 얼마나 기다리고 있었는지를 알 수 있다.  
마리아가 나서는 모습에 따라나온 유대인들은 그당시 장례식에 애도하는 것을 돕기 위해서 함께 울어주는 사람들이었다. 마리아가 슬픔에 싸여 오라비, 나사로의 무덤으로 달려가는 것으로 생각하고 그를 따라가 그를 위로하고 돕기 위해서 따라나선 것이다. 

32-33절) 그런 마리아가 달려간 곳은 예수님 앞이었다. 마리아의 질문은 마르다의 질문과 거의 유사하다.(21절) “주님께서 여기 계셨더라면”이라고 외치며 슬피 울었다. 이 슬픔의 모습은 동양적인 우리들에게 친숙하다. 
Mary expressed her loss differently from Martha. Mary’s tears have in fact taken the place of most of Martha’s words. The careful reader of John will remember the mourning of Mary Magdalene at the Lord’s tomb when what she wanted was merely to care for Jesus’ lifeless body (20:16). Here Mary’s pathetic piety became a hallmark of her portrait. Even her sacrificial anointing of Jesus (12:3) fits this picture of her.
 Gerald L. Borchert, John 1–11, vol. 25A, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996), 359.

33절) 심령에 통분히 여기시고 민망히 여기시는 주님. 
예수님께서 마리아와 마리아의 뒤를 따라온 유대인들이 우는 것을 보셨습니다. 예수님의 마음은 격한 감정이 들면서 몹시 아프셨습니다.(쉬운성경)
33 When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her also weeping, he uwas deeply moved5 in his spirit and vgreatly troubled.
The Greek word underlying deeply moved, embrimaomai (elsewhere in the NT only in v. 38; Matt. 9:30 [“sternly warned”]; Mark 1:43 [“sternly charged”]; and Mark 14:5 [“scolded”]), means to feel something deeply and strongly. Jesus was moved with profound sorrow at the death of his friend and at the grief that his other friends had suffered. In addition, this sorrow was intermixed with anger at the evil of death (the final enemy; see 1 Cor. 15:26; Rev. 21:4), and also with a deep sense of awe at the power of God that was about to flow through him to triumph over death (in anticipation of his voice summoning the whole world to the resurrection on the last day)
 Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008), 2046.
 The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton: Standard Bible Society, 2001), 요 11:33.
본문은 원문의 부정적인 느낌을 다소 약하게 번역하였다. 주님이 지금 아파하시면서 그들에게 분노하며 꾸짖으시는 이유는 무리들의 반응 때문이었다. 마리아가 우는 것과 유대인들이 그 죽음, 죄의 결과, 앞에 우는 것을 보시고 아파하시고 계신 것이다. 죽음앞에 겁을 내고 슬퍼하며 무기력하게 울고 있는 이들을 바라보시고 안타까이 여기시며 통분히 여기고 계신 것이다. 주님은 죽음을 이기신 분이시기에 인간들이 느끼는 죽음에 대한 공포를 뛰어 넘어 계신다. 
- But the reaction of Jesus to that kind of wailing by the mourners was hardly empathetic support. The result was that Jesus became “disgusted” or “angered” (the Greek is embrimasthai) in his spirit and “perturbed” (tarassein) by the actions of the people (11:33). While psychoanalyzing Jesus is impossible from a report about Jesus, a statement needs to be made here about the meaning of v. 33. In contrast to German translations of this sentence, Beasley-Murray has argued convincingly that English polite translations (Including the NIV’s “he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled”) have failed to give sufficient negative impact to the Greek words in the sentence.328 The sense conveyed by most english versions is that Jesus was troubled along with the Jews over the death of Lazarus because he loved Lazarus (11:36). But that statement was made by the mourners, not Jesus. Clearly Jesus did not like death. Death, like sin, was an enemy for him, as it was for Paul (cf. 1 Cor 15:26, 54–57). His problem in this story, however, was not death. It was the mourners. Jesus was not a helpless human in the face of death. The story has a much different focus. Martha had been full of words, and here Mary and her supporters were full of tears and wailing. But for all of them Jesus was an unrecognized power in their midst.
NIV New International Version
328 See Beasley-Murray, John, 192–93. Beasley-Murray notes that even the second edition of English translation of Bauer’s Lexicon has the meanings of “scold, censure,” “warn sternly,” but for John 11:38 it has merely “deeply moved.” The necessary meaning should have carried some sense of anger. Cf. also Brown, John, 1.425–26; Carson, John, 415–16; Schnackenburg, St. John, 2.335–36.
 Gerald L. Borchert, John 1–11, vol. 25A, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996), 359–360.

34-37절) 나사로를 어디 두었는지 묻는 주님. 
35절) 눈물을 흘리시는 주님, 나사로의 죽음앞에 주님께서 눈물을 흘리신 이유는 믿음이 부족해서가 아니라 죽음과 이에 대한 고통의 실제에 대한 슬픔을 표현하신 것이다. 이 표현은 오직 이곳에만 등장한다. 
또한 주님의 눈물은 주님이 어떤 분이신지에 대해 오해하고 있는 무리들에 대한 연민과 안타까움에 대한 것이다. 그들은 이미 죽은지 사흘째 되어서 시체에서 악취가 나는 상태에서 희망을 상실한 상태에 있는 것이다.  

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