데살로니가후서 서론
1. 저자와 제목
어떤 학자들은 바울이 데살로니가후서를 기록했다는 사실에 의문을 제기해왔다. 데살로니가전서와 후서에 등장하는 종말론이 다른 것처럼 보이고, 데살로니가 후서의 어조가 더 차갑게 느껴진다라는 이유들이다.
하지만 면밀한 검토를 해볼 때 바울은 데살로니가전서를 쓴지 얼마되지 않아서 바로 데살로니가후서를 작성한 것으로 보인다. 데살로니가후서의 어조가 더 차갑다는 것은 상황의 변화로 인해서 좀더 강력하게 그들을 향해 책망을 했기 때문이다.
- Although some scholars today have questioned Pauline authorship of 2 Thessalonians, the unanimous testimony of the early church fathers supports Pauline authorship. The main reasons given by those who question Pauline authorship include: (1) The eschatology of 2 Thessalonians is regarded as different from that of 1 Thessalonians. Specifically, the sudden/imminent expectation of Christ’s return in 1 Thessalonians 4:13–5:11 is said to be inconsistent with the requirement in 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12 that specific signs must first take place. (2) The many commonalities between 1 and 2 Thessalonians are alleged to reflect literary dependence, which is regarded as inconsistent with Paul’s authorship of both. (3) Second Thessalonians supposedly has a colder tone than 1 Thessalonians. (4) Second Thessalonians 2:2 and 3:17 are thought to make best sense if written by a pseudonymous author.
A careful evaluation of these objections, however, supports the conclusion that Paul was in fact the writer of 2 Thessalonians. The duplicity entailed in the forgery hypothesis (see 3:17) is hardly credible. In addition, the above objections can be readily refuted: (1) Both letters portray the second coming as an unwelcome and sudden surprise for unbelievers (1 Thess. 5:2–3; 2 Thess. 2:8–12) but an anticipated and welcome event for those who are in Christ (1 Thess. 5:4–8; 2 Thess. 1:6–10; 2:13–17). Moreover, certain events precede the Lord’s return in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 as well as 2 Thessalonians 2:3–4, 9–10, and imminence can be seen both in 1 Thessalonians 4:15–17 and in 2 Thessalonians 1:7, 10; 2:1. A sudden and imminent eschaton was regarded as compatible with signs in Jewish and early Christian writings (e.g., Matthew 24–25). (2) Paul probably wrote 2 Thessalonians shortly after 1 Thessalonians, and may have referred to a copy of it. (3) The idea of a colder tone in 2 Thessalonians is exaggerated (see Literary Features). (4) Second Thessalonians 2:2 and 3:17 probably reflect Paul’s concern that a forged letter may once have existed.
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008), 2313.
2. 저작 연대
데살로니가전서와 마찬가지로 바울의 2차 선교여행기간 중 고린도에서 전서를 기록한지 몇개월 이후에 작성했을 것이다.
바울은 전서를 기록한 이후 얼마되지 않아서 데살로니가의 상황이 급변했다라는 보고를 받았고(살후 3:11) 이를 위해 후서를 작성한 것으로 보인다.
3. 주제
전서와 마찬가지로 후서의 주제는 재림이다. 특히 예수님의 재림에 앞서 배교와 불법의 사람인 적그리스도의 출현을 말하고 있다. 이때에 주 예수께서 강림하심으로 불법한 자들을 폐하실 것이다.(2:8) 억눌린 그리스도인들에게는 정의를, 그들을 박해하던 자들과 불신자들에게는 진노를 베푸실 것이다.(1:5-10, 2:9-15)
4. 목적, 계기, 배경
데살로니가교회의 성도들중 일부는 거짓된 편지를 통해서 '주의 날이 이르렀다’라는 거짓된 주장을 받아들였다. 이로인하여 미혹되어 흔들리고 두려워하는 이들을 위해서 이 편지를 쓰고 있다,. 이런 잘못된 가르침은 일하지 않고 게으른 이들을 양산했고 교회는 이로 인해 여러 어려움들을 겪었다. 이로 인해서 바울은 주의 날이 이미 이르렀다는 생각에 빠져 있는 이들을 안심시키고, 여러 박해에 직면한 이들을 격려하며, 스스로 생활비를 벌기를 거부하는 일부 교회의 지체들의 게으름의 문제를 해결하기 위해서 본 서신을 썼다.
- The “reasons” for the letter seem to be two, with perhaps a third one sitting in the wings, as it were. What is not easy to decide from our distance is whether one of these is more important than the other, or whether their order was dictated in this case simply by “new things first.” As for the “occasion” itself, most likely it had to do with the return of Timothy to Paul and Silas in Corinth with “mixed news” about the situation in Thessalonica. On the one hand, the issue of the disruptive-idle turned out to be a matter of much greater consequence than Paul had apparently assumed in writing the first letter; and if our reading of the order and timing of these letters is correct, then this issue was being addressed by letter for the first time in our 1 Thessalonians, the letter Timothy was just then bringing with him on that trip to Thessalonica. Thus with Timothy’s return Paul now needed to deal with it in greater detail and severity than had been done before; and probably it comes at the end so as to be “heard” better by those for whose sake it was written.
On the other hand, the matter of the timing of the “day of the Lord” had become a new issue altogether; and Paul’s own uncertainty as to how this misinformation had been presented as from him in some way (see the commentary on 2:2 and 15) only adds to its complication for later readers of the letter. But because this has happened, we also now become privy to a part of Paul’s eschatological perspective that he would otherwise have had no reason to include in any of his letters.
But almost certainly lying behind the tensions created by these two matters is the increasing severity of the outside persecution that Paul deals with in the “thanksgiving” in 1:5–10. Whereas this material also adds to our larger understanding of his eschatology as such, one should never lose sight of its first purpose—to reassure these beleaguered believers that their persecutors have their own divinely appointed destiny. And therefore, even though such knowledge would not necessarily lessen their present pain, it should have served as comfort to know that God has not forgotten them, while at the same time it reassured them of God’s ultimate justice regarding their persecutors.
All of this is to say, then, that even though this is not the most significant of the Pauline letters in terms of our overall theological and ethical/behavioral insights into his gospel, it is not thereby so irrelevant as to assign it “cinderella” status among his letters. Here is another Pauline moment which as a whole helps us better to understand the nature of the final outcome of the gospel itself, while at the same time giving us insight into the “everyday” nature of living Christ in a very pagan culture.
Gordon D. Fee, The First and Second Letters to the Thessalonians, The New International Commentary on the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2009), 241–242.
5. 문예적 특징
본서는 일반적인 서신서의 양식을 따른다. 인사말로 시작하여 기도와 축도로 끝난다. 본론은 일련의 주제들을 다양하게 다루고 있다.
데살로니가후서는 전서에 비하여 흔들리고 거짓된 가르침에 빠져있는 이들을 향해 직설적인 명령을 통해서 책망하는 표현을 담고 있다. 이로 인해 전서에 비해서 차가운 어조로 보이는 것이다.
6. 핵심 주제
1) 하나님의 의로운 심판은 예수님이 재림히실 때 완전히 나타날 것이다. 그때 불신자들은 정죄를 받고 신지들은 구원을 받을 것이다(l:5~10, 2:9~14).
2) 그리스도인들은 그리스도의 영광에 동참할 것이다(1:10, 12, 2:14).
3) 불법의 사람이 나타나는 일과 인류의 마지막 반역은 예수님의 재림을 위한 전제 조건이다 (2:3~4, 9~12),
4) 불법의 사람은 복음을 거부한 모든 이들을 속여서 예수님이 재렴하실 때에 확실히 심판받게 할 것이다(2:3, 6~12).
5) 그리스도인은 동료 그리스도인의 자비심을 이용해선 안 된다 (3:6~15).
7. 개요
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